Cristóbal Perdomo Co-founder & General Partner
Close Cristóbal Perdomo Co-founder & General Partner
“Long lasting success can only be built when you are able to convince those better than you to join your cause.” Entrepreneurship has been the constant in my life. Starting with my first venture at the age of 17, I’ve never stopped. I believe entrepreneurs are society’s engine of progress and that one idea partnered with unstoppable grit can change the world.

I’m a contrarian at heart. Taking the road less traveled and hard work can make all the difference. You cannot do what everybody does and expect different results. I studied and practiced law – becoming a partner at a law firm would have been the natural road to success. But it didn’t feel right, and I took a different path. I’m thankful for it every day.

I’m a resolute optimist. Things can be better, and we can make them better. Whether we think we can or think we cannot, we’re both right. It is our choice whether to focus on how everything can go wrong or on how we can improve our situation. This is the essential entrepreneur super power.

I love underdogs. It is easy to root for the perennial champion running with the wind at their back. It takes sinew to carry on when you know that victory is not only difficult buy highly improbable. This must explain my love for the Cubs, Spurs and Cruz Azul ;-)

There is no success without some degree of luck. But it is not the ‘I won the lottery!’ kind of luck. It is the ‘I prepared so hard for this opportunity that when it knocks on my door, I’ll be ready’ kind of luck that matters. The more you put in the effort and put yourself out there, the luckier you’ll be.

Teamwork is the key to great achievements. The myth of the lonesome genius coming up with the breakthrough idea is only a myth. Long lasting success can only be built when you are able to convince those better than you to join your cause. My greatest achievement is the family I’ve built, and it is because I was able to convince a much better person than I to be my wife.

I encourage you to drink deeply from good books for I know no wise people who aren’t readers. If you’d like to know more about me, I sometimes share my thoughts with the world.
Eric Pérez-Grovas Co-founder & General Partner
Close Eric Pérez-Grovas Co-founder & General Partner
“Long lasting success can only be built when you are able to convince those better than you to join your cause.” I’m a fortunate guy

I’m fortunate to be the son of loving parents: an entrepreneur Mother who waked every day at 5 AM & went to bed no earlier than 11 PM; A Mother that woke so early in part to prepare the sandwiches that I would later sell at the school bus, at what was my first of many entrepreneurial experiences. A Father who was a voracious reader & taught me the pleasure of continuously learning from all sorts of disciplines; a Father that also taught me, through helping him decide his weekly soccer bets, the value of making decisions with hard data
I’m fortunate to be the younger brother of my only Brother, to which I once told, being completely wasted: I love you because you’re the best brother I have. A Brother to whom I owe the most valuable advice I have & will ever receive, although not always accurate, because part of it included becoming a life-long suffering fan of the Dallas Cowboys
I’m fortunate to be the parent of three amazing kids, whom I love with all my heart, but whom have had to endure my ineptitude as a father, but that fortunately thru the wisdom of the women in their lives, are finding their pathways to happiness
I´m fortunate to be the husband of the most kind, courageous, intelligent, and beautiful woman on earth, whom has had the courage and kindness to see beyond my many limitations and has focused on the immense love I feel for her. By her hand, until the end of my life, we can, and we will, accomplish everything
I’m fortunate to have partnered with much more intelligent people that I am, starting with my fellow GP, that although has not understood that the best Avenger is Tony Stark, & not the boring Steve Rogers, has helped Wollef make the best possible decisions, avoiding all the idiocy I continuously bring to the table
I’m fortunate to love what I do: getting to know courageous entrepreneurs & be able to partner with them in their exciting journey of creating fantastic companies with meaningful purposes, enlightening cultures & relentless talent
I’m fortunate to have failed many, many, times, & thru those failures, learned & earned a life of happiness; & most important, a life with meaningful relationships.
Luis Garza General Partner
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I am the outcome of multiple, serendipitous accidents. An accidental entrepreneur focused in early childhood, an unintended engineer who at heart loves music’s effect on images, and an unlikely father of 4 girls who stumbled into venture capital investment.

I’m trained as an engineer, but have a passion for music and how music can transform films. I studied a “normal” career instead of a film-scoring career, followed a “safe” work path - joined BCG - and fulfilled the “traditional” consulting path: MBA after two years. During my MBA, something changed: I decided to follow the path less traveled and co-founded a Childcare company that has cared for thousands of children since 2010.

I chose a path as an entrepreneur because I wanted to be a better venture capitalist. I felt that I could only be a good advisor and supporter if I understood what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Through my experience at Kinedu, I’ve learned that building 10M dollar businesses is as draining as building 100M dollar businesses. I’ve experienced what entrepreneurs experience when they are about to run out of money, as well as the highs of hitting the best milestones, and transitioning from a startup I built. I deeply empathize with and understand the entrepreneurial journey and believe I can support our portfolio companies because of that experience.

My friends and family always tell me that I’m always challenging everything. I can think of many reasons why plans can go wrong, but at heart, I am a dreamer. I come from a line of Entrepreneurs who became captains of industry in Monterrey, and have inherited a “gene” - as my father calls it - for independence, self-determination, and accomplishment. I’m a serial entrepreneur that has lived through the financial crisis and has founded companies in traditional education, such as childcare and early learning, as well as consumer technology applications. I believe challenging everything - the good and the bad - is a catalyst for progress and change. Challenging when things are going bad is easy, but challenging when everything is going well is courageous.
Astrid Salgado Head of Talent
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In my professional experience (and in many aspects of my personal life), I have always been motivated by the possibility of extending the limits of reality and the search for new opportunities where creativity plays a central role. Few things entertain me more than listening to problems and thinking of possible solutions, it can go as far as finding the ideal candidate in unpredictable places to creating the ultimate anti-monster potion for my kids.

With a decade of experience in executive search, I've had the privilege of working at Russell Reynolds and participating in challenging regional projects and board assignments. Over the years, I've come to realize the crucial role talent plays in the success of any organization - even the most brilliant idea is meaningless without a talented team to bring it to completion.

I understand the challenges of making bold choices in one's professional journey and communicating the passion behind an ambitious project. I've seen firsthand how those who are passionate and enthusiastic can achieve great things, even with the riskiest of ideas. That's why I joined Wollef - to help others grow, support them in their endeavors and push beyond the boundaries of what's considered possible.

My goal is to help build successful teams where each member can reach their full potential and turn their dreams into reality, all while learning from the great Wollef team
Pamela del Rio Chief of Staff
Close Pamela del Rio Chief of Staff
I firmly believe that the fusion of motivation, hard work, and extraordinary teams is the perfect recipe for ensuring success in every endeavor. My commitment is to keep my sights fixed on contributing to a brighter and more inclusive future, striving to make a lasting impact on the venture capital landscape.

During my time at Bain & Company, I immersed myself in impactful projects across various industries, gaining a profound appreciation for the power of teamwork and resilience. As I later ventured into the startup world, I realized firsthand the vital importance of execution, collaboration, and unwavering motivation in driving meaningful results.

Thrilled to serve as the Chief of Staff at Wollef, I am eager to embrace any challenges that come my way! With an unwavering determination and the support of an incredible team, I am resolute in my quest to create a transformative impact and contribute to the future of venture capital.

As Sheryl Sandberg once said, 'Motivation comes from working on things we care about. It also comes from working with people we care about.' This quote encapsulates the driving force behind my passion and dedication to empowering entrepreneurs and fostering a thriving and diverse ecosystem within the venture capital industry.
Jorge Mondragón Investment Analyst
Close Jorge Mondragón Investment Analyst
Since I was a little kid, there have been three constants in my life: learning, sports, and people. Firstly, I’ve always been extremely curious, intrigued about how things work and how they interact between each other. This has taught me the value of creative and critical thinking when understanding the roots of a problem and how to find a solution for it. Secondly, I’ve always practiced or played at least one sport a week for my whole life. My competitive nature and my passion for physical health have always driven me into trying new sports and challenging myself at the highest level. From basketball, tennis, golf, and track at an amateur level, to boxing and rugby at a semi-professional level, sports have never ceased to exist in my life. Throughout this process, sports have taught me two things: the importance of discipline and the value of teamwork, which links me to my third constant, people. Either with friends, family, or teammates, I’ve always been surrounded by people. This has made me realize that in life, without the ability to relate to others, build relationships, and create teams, our potential is limited. Thanks to our uniqueness as human beings, we have the capacity to build interdisciplinary team with multiple abilities that add up to create more value together than the sum of the value of each individual on its own.

All this, added to me being a passionate Business Engineering student, have made me a true believer that with some well-directed creativity, a good amount of critical thinking, a bunch of teamwork, and the will to challenge the status quo, any problem can be solved, and any goal can be attained. This is why I believe in Start-Ups and their power to transform our world, and why I see Wollef and the venture capital industry as the catalyst of that transformation, especially in today's rapidly changing Latin American landscape.

I couldn’t be happier to be part of this great team at Wollef and contribute to our mission: building long lasting relationships with entrepreneurs, stay open-minded to new ideas and approach every day with passion and boldness, taking the risk to act innovatively; all with the goal of making better the world of tomorrow.

We believe in building long lasting relationships with the entrepreneurs we partner with.